Writing the Perfect Engagement Gift Thank-You Notes

Getting engaged is a fun, exciting, and sometimes scary part of your life. All of the emotions and amount of people reaching out to congratulate you can be a little overwhelming. One thing that comes with getting engaged is the large amount of gifts you will receive. Family members and friends are the people that care about you most in your life and are sure to send congratulatory gifts. After receiving all of these thoughtful and caring gifts, it can seem daunting having to thank each and every person that gave you a gift. This is why we recommend writing engagement gift thank you notes for all of your loved ones! Before you say to yourself, “that seems like a lot of writing,” read on to see how you can make this a breeze while remaining thankful and caring.

When it comes to the act of writing these engagement gift thank you notes there are some things to remember. When you handwrite something, it shows that you care about them enough to take time out of your busy day. This is something that an email or text message just can’t compare to. Part of giving someone an engagement gift is wanting to hear about the reaction that the person who received it had when they got the gift. Handwriting a thank you card for an engagement gift also allows you the opportunity to let the gift sender know how you will personally use the money or gift that you received. This is another great way to show your appreciation! Plus, you can be as specific or generic as you would like based on the item that you received.

To make the process of writing engagement present thank you notes go smoothly, we recommend creating a template that can be used to thank anyone for any kind of gift! This leaves you the ability to templatize or personalize any engagement gift thank you notes. For bigger gifts or people who are a larger part of your life, you can expand on your template to write a more detailed message. Create a template where you can insert the name of the person that gifted you the item and then leave a spot to insert the name of the item. You should insert a section in the letter that explains how you will use the gift as well as what kind of impact it will make on your life. If they gave you money, tell them what that money will go towards. Writing “The money you gave us will help us pay some bills and take a huge stress out of our lives!” sounds much better than “Thanks for the money you sent us.” This section is one of if not the most important parts of your letter! If you think that family members or friends may reference each other to see how personal each note is, then you can create 2 or 3 different templates. Below is an example of a template you could use to make writing a thank you card for an engagement gift much easier!

“Dear [insert recipient of note],

[Name of fiance] and I just wanted to send you a note of appreciation for the [insert item name] that you gave us for our engagement. This is an exciting time in our lives and we are so glad that you can be a part of it. We will be sure to use the [insert item name and an applicable scenario that this product will be used]. Thank you so much for your love and support during this time in our lives!

With Love, [Gift recipients names].”

Using a template such as this one will give you the ability to save time while also writing loving engagement gift thank you notes. Make sure to sound cheerful and happy with your tone in the letter. This helps to show your tanks even more and that the gift they gave you sparks joy in your life. By taking the time to write these engagement present thank you notes, you will leave a lasting impression on the people that took the time and money out of their day to give you something! It may mean that you get an even better wedding present when the time comes!

In conclusion, writing handwritten engagement present thank you notes is by far the most thoughtful and respectful way to give thanks for an engagement present! Sure you could send out a mass email, send a text message, or give them a call, but those methods don’t hold the same weight as writing your thoughts with a pen on paper. If you use our tips you should be more than able to let all of your friends and family know how appreciative you are of the gift they gave you and thankful you are to have them in your life!